ISSN ONLINE: 2558-815X
ISSN PRINT: 1584-9244
ISSN-L: 1584-9244

Concomitant inguinal endometriosis and groin hernia – Case report


Endometriosis is a condition which affects women during their reproductive age. We present the case of a 42 years old Caucasian nulliparous woman accusing in the last three months a painful bulging mass in the right groin. The patient reported that the mass increases in size during prolonged standing and lifting of heavy weights. In addition, the inguinal pain was exacerbated during ovulation. The patient underwent surgery, during which wide excision of the nodule was performed. Furthermore, both direct and indirect hernia sacs were found and dissected, the content was reduced and the sacs were excised. Four months after the surgery, the patient was free of symptoms and had no signs of recurrence.
Key words: inguinal endometriosis, groin hernia, surgery.

Corresponding author:
Alexandra BOLOCAN
Phone 0040722579776; email:

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